Type 2 AC surge protector

Type 2 surge protectors are designed to be installed at the service entrance of low voltage systems or close to sensitive equipment to protect against transient overvoltages.

DAC80S series
Re-inforced Type 2 SPD
Imax 80 kA
Remote signaling
Pluggable module
Range DAC50S
Type 2 - Imax 50 kA
Remote signaling
Pluggable module
DAC40CS Single Phase Serie
Type 2 - Imax Total 40 kA
Commun/Differential mode
Remote signaling
Pluggable module
DAC40CS 3-Phase Serie
Type 2 - Imax Total 40 kA
Commun/Differential mode
Remote signaling
Pluggable module
DACF25S series
Type 2 - Imax 25 kA
Internal fuse
Remote signaling
Pluggable module
DS-HF series
Type 2+3 surge protector
Single-phase + RFI Filtering
DS40HF Series
Type 2 - Imax 40 kA
RFI Filtering
PAC Series
Type 2 AC surge protector
PCB Mounting
DS40S Series
UL1449 Type 1 and 4CA SPD
IEC Type 2 SPD
40kA Surge Rating per module
Modular w/ Remote Signalling
MOV Technology