Like many other customers and business partners you will ask yourself what impact the situation around the coronavirus has on your and our business processes.

Here we would like to inform you about the current status of CITEL. How we are dealing with the situation and what we are doing to minimize the possible consequences for you, our customers.

What you are currently asking yourself:

What is the current delivery situation?

The situation in China continues to ease. At present, only delays in the shipment of goods are to be expected. Our teams are working on alternative routes to improve the delivery times here as well.

The situation in Europe and in the USA is currently very dynamic due to the increasing number of Corvid-19 infections. Citel has introduced hygiene and distance regulations at all sites to protect our employees. In addition, a large part of the home office is working in order to continue to be there for our customers.

Since the cross-border movement of goods is currently being impeded and our production sites are restructuring their work processes and areas of work to protect employees, longer delivery times may be required for individual products for a limited period of time.

Appointments were cancelled, meetings postponed. Who is available for me now?

All your contact persons are still available for you, by phone or e-mail. Consultations via Skype or GoToMeeting are also possible, just get in touch with your contact person.

What do we do to protect ourselves?

Everything possible has been done to protect our employees! All colleagues from sales, technical support and order processing work entirely from home. Those whose job does not allow them to work from home, perform their work spatially separated from each other and communicate only via digital channels. Extensive hygienic measures accompany the daily work process. Business trips and external events have not been noticed for weeks.

You can be assured - we will continue to be there for you without restrictions. We do everything in our power to protect customers, business partners and employees.

Stay healthy!

With kind regards

Citel Electronics Ltd